Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Conversation with God for Women

I received this book just a few days ago, and so far, I have found it very useful. I would rate this book at about a 3-4 out of 5 stars. The format is well done, the cover is lovely, and the information and intentions are strong and well done.

The book itself is laid out as a series of conversations, where each person, be it God, Ruth, Esther, the Modern Woman, Christ, or Paul, speaks in the first person. Each chapter addresses a different issue that a woman can come up across. I found the chapter on guilt, sin, and forgiveness especially well done. I really liked the method of each speaker referring to the Scriptures as personal correspondence from God to his Church.

The only reason I would not give the book a full 5 stars would be because of personal preference. I'm a bit of a traditionalist, and it's difficult to read a modern book who is speaking for God in the first person. Also, some of the chapters seemed unclear, or redundant.

But, overall, a good book, and one that I will be reading for quite a while as I unpack what the author has to say and figure out the deeper interpretations of the Scriptures.

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